Documentation For Version 1.1.1
Released: July 19th, 2018 at 12PM
Modern Sherbet is a modern twist on the taste design of sherbet. It’s bright and colourful! There’s animated button on hover; an animated header and meta ease in, there’s drop shadows (also known a box shadows) all around the theme.
The theme features shorcodes for toggles, tabs, buttons, and more. The theme is equipped with CSS for contact forms and Woocommerces. The theme features different styles for multiple post types which can be controlled in the WordPress Dashboard.
The CSS is commented at parts where you can change values in order to create your own spin on the design.
With version 1.1, I introduced a child theme with the purchases of the main theme! With the child theme I recommend that you inject all your customization’s into the style.css, function.php and other files into the that theme’s folder as it will keep those changes even when you update the main theme!
With version 1.1.1, I introduced theme options via. a Administration panel which can be found via. Appearance > modernSherbet! Here you may enter your header and footer settings and get useful resources such as the download link to the Child Theme and the Shortcode Plugin!
For support visit the Donald Louch Productions Support Portal via. Freshdesk.
Note that the automatic update alerts aren’t in effect and I will send an email when updates are available along with sending out updates on my social media channels such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook Page.
You will need to go to Settings > Discussion > Select “5” from the “Enable threaded (nested) comments levels deep” section + Select “5 | last | and newer” from the “Break comments into pages with top level comments per page and the page displayed by defaultComments should be displayed with the comments at the top of each page” section in order for the comment section to work properly.
From version 1.1 and above please note that shortcodes will be accessible via the modernSherbet Shortcode plugin which will be in the download zip file. You may also find the download link in the new (version 1.1.1 and above) administration panel!