To Make Changes: Version 1.1
- Child Theme Installation Recommend: style.css (see below for more details)
- Go to the style.css file via. FTP or from navigating to "Appearance" > "Editor" on your Wordpress install
- Change any styling, note that I have made comments to make it easier to navigate! For easier management, I recommend placing your custom code on line 1743 and above or in a child theme!
Line 76: Change overall font
- body {font-size: SIZE; font-family: “FONTNAME”, TYPE; color: COLOR;}
Line 79: Change background image on the body (on all pages)
- body {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”);}
Line 84: Change link colour
- a:link, a:visited {color: COLOR}
Line 89: Change link colour on hover
- a:hover {color: COLOR}
Line 180: Change the line for blockquotes
- blockquote {border-left: THICKNESS TYPE COLOR;}
Line 344: Change buttons
- .nav-links a, .nav-previous a, .nav-next a, .navLinks a, .welcomeButton a, a.button, .downloadResButton a, .alignleft a, .alignright a, .woocommerce div.product form.cart .button, a.checkout-button.button.alt.wc-forward, .woocommerce #payment #place_order, .woocommerce-page #payment #place_order, .woocommerce-MyAccount-navigation a {
font-size: SIZE; border-radius: RADIUS; background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”); color: COLOR;}
Line 368: Change buttons on hover
- .page-numbers:hover, .nav-previous a:hover, .nav-next a:hover, .navLinks a:hover, .welcomeButton a:hover, a.button:hover, .downloadResButton a:hover, .alignleft a:hover, .alignright a:hover, .woocommerce div.product form.cart .button:hover, a.checkout-button.button.alt.wc-forward:hover, .woocommerce #respond input#submit.alt:hover, .woocommerce a.button.alt:hover, .woocommerce button.button.alt:hover, .woocommerce input.button.alt:hover, .woocommerce-MyAccount-navigation a:hover {animation-duration: DURATION; background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”); color: COLOR; /* End Background Colour */}
@keyframes hover {0% {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”); color: COLOR;
} 25% {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”); color: COLOR;} 50% {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”); color: COLOR;} 75% {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”); color: COLOR;} 100% {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”); color: COLOR;}
Line 419: Change flat button
- a.flatButton, #download a {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”); color: COLOR;}
Line 427: Change flat button on hover
- a.flatButton:hover, #download a:hover {color: COLOR;}
Line 443: Change header style
- header {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”); animation-duration: DURATION;}
@keyframes header {0% {top:POSITION; left: POSITION; opacity: 0.1;}100% {top:POSITION; left: POSITION; opacity: 1;}}
Line 489: Change menu button line
- #menu-main a {border-bottom: THICKNESS TYPE COLOR;}
Line 496: Change the background color of the sub menu
- .sub-menu {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”);}
Line 549: Change the background image on the home page and the 404 page
- #welcome, .error404Content {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”);}
Line 613: Change the background on the articles (posts and pages)
- article {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”););}
Line 621: Change the background on the articles (feed page)
- #posts article {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”););}
Line 665: Change the read more button on the feed page
- .readMore {border: TYPE THICKNESS COLOR;}
Line 695: Change the text color of the sidebar
- #sidebar {color: COLOR;}
Line 718: Change the link colors of the sidebar
- #sidebar a {color: COLOR;}
Line 722: Change the underline of the search field (sidebar)
- {border-top: hidden; border-left: hidden; border-bottom: TYPE COLOR THICKNESS; border-right: hidden; color: COLOR;}
Line 738: Change the underline of the dropdown box(s) (sidebar)
- select#cat, #archives-dropdown-2 {border-top: hidden; border-left: hidden; border-bottom: TYPE COLOR THICKNESS; border-right: hidden; color: COLOR;}
Line 778: Change the background of the meta box
- .meta {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”);}
Line 867: Change the text color of the attachment page
- .wrapCenterAP {color: COLOR;}
Table Edits
- Line 887: td, th {border: TYPE COLOR THICKNESS;}
- Line 903: tr:nth-child(2n) {background-color: COLOR; color: COLOR;} /* Every other row */
Line 958: Change the toggle button
- .toggleButton {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”);}
- Line 966: .toggleButton:active, .toggleButton:hover {color: COLOR;}
Line 993: Change the tabs style
- #tabs nav {color: COLOR !important; border-bottom: TYPE COLOR THICKNESS;}
- Line 1023: #tabs nav a:hover {color: COLOR;}
Line 1083: Change the submit button on the contact form
- .contactButton {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”);}
Line 1094: Change the submit button on the contact form
- .contactButton:hover {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”);}
Line 1108: Change the underline color on the contact form
- select, .contactInput, textarea {border-top: hidden; border-left: hidden; border-bottom: TYPE COLOR THICKNESS; border-right: hidden;}
Line 1124: Change the border color on the contact form when active on field
- .contactInput:focus, .textarea:focus {border-color: TYPE COLOR THICKNESS;}
Line 1144: Change the background of the comment meta information (MUST BE a gradient)
- .comment-meta {background: linear-gradient(CODE);}
Line 1149: Change the background of the comment meta information from the author (MUST BE a gradient)
- .bypostauthor footer {background: linear-gradient(CODE);}
Change the text color of the comment meta
- Line 1158: .fn a {color: COLOR;}
- Line 1162: .comment-metadata time {color: COLOR;}
Line 1193: Change the text color of the reply button in comments
- .commentlist .reply a {border: COLOR TYPE THICKNESS; color: COLOR;}
- Line 1206: .commentlist .reply a:hover {background-color: COLOR; color: COLOR;}
Line 1281: Change the comment form underline color
- .comment-form Input, .comment-form textarea, .comment-form option {border-top: hidden; border-left: hidden; border-bottom: TYPE COLOR THICKNESS; border-right: hidden;}
Line 1298: Change the underline color of the comment form when active on field
- .comment-form input:focus, .comment-form textarea:focus {border-color: COLOR;}
Line 1303: Change the color of the submit button 0n the comment form
- #submit {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”); color: COLOR;}
- Line 1314:
- #submit:hover {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”); color: COLOR;}
Line 1344: Change the author bio strip
- #authourBio {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”); color: COLOR;}
- Line 1350: .authorH2 {color:COLOR} /*Changes the text color of the author */
Line 1433: Change the Woocommerce’s checkout form
- .checkout.woocommerce-checkout input, .checkout.woocommerce-checkout textarea, .post-password-form input, .woocommerce form .form-row input.input-text, .woocommerce form .form-row textarea {border-top: hidden; border-left: hidden; border-bottom: TYPE COLOR THICKNESS; border-right: hidden;}
- Line 1448: .checkout.woocommerce-checkout input:focus, .checkout.woocommerce-checkout textarea:focus, .post-password-form input:hover {border-color: COLOR;}
- Line 1455: .quantity, .checkout.woocommerce-checkout select {border-top: hidden; border-left: hidden; border-bottom: TYPE COLOR THICKNESS; border-right: hidden;}
- Line 1467: #coupon_code {border-top: hidden; border-left: hidden; border-bottom: TYPE COLOR THICKNESS; border-right: hidden;}
Line 1548: Change the footer
- footer {background: linear-gradient(CODE) | background-color: COLOR | background-image: url(“PATH_TO_IMAGE.jpg”); color: COLOR;}
- Line 1559: .footerButton a {color: COLOR}
- Line 1563: .footerButton a:hover {color: COLOR}
Line 1743: Place custom code here and beyond*!
*Note that the styling information will be changed upon reinstalling the theme. I recommend making a copy of the file(s) before updating/reinstalling. Unless you install the child theme via the same steps as the “Install The Theme” section but instead of extracting/using “” extract/use “” then inject your custom styles into the child theme > style.css file as listed!
**The above are some tips on code that you can change! You may change other styles and code!
***If you are wanting custom theming I do offer service request for this! Just create a ticket on my Freshdesk Support Portal for more info and quotes!