- Go to your WordPress Install
- Head to /admin | /wp-login | /wp-admin
- Login to Admin Level account
- Go to “Appearance” > “modernSherbet“
- Enter your start year in the “Footer Text (1)” field
- Enter your company link in the “Footer Text (2)” field
- Enter your company name in the “Footer Text (3)” field
- Click the “Save Settings” button
- You may now use the theme settings to change this (see above section) | Or Child Theme Installation Recommend: footer.php (see below for more details)
- Go to the footer.php file via. FTP or from navigating to “Appearance” > “Editor” on your WordPress install
- On line 2: Feel free to add a start year to your copyright (for instance © 2013 – <?php echo date(‘Y’); ?>)
- On line 2: Replace “<a href=”https://donaldlouch.ca” alt=”DLP“>Donald Louch Productions</a>” with your URL and name
- Save OR “Update File”
- Your Done!
*Note that the Footer information will reset upon reinstalling the theme. I recommend making a copy of the file(s) before updating/reinstalling. Unless you use the theme settings to change this or you can install the child theme via the same steps as the “Install The Theme” section but instead of extracting/using “modernsherbet.zip” extract/use “modernsherbet-child.zip” then create a footer.php file and copy and past the code from the main theme; then change the information as listed!